SIMPLE TEST.... See if people around you are moremore Negative or Positive?
SIMPLE TEST.... Are people around you more Negative or Positive? If negative then here`s some BIGTIME information you need to know! Universal Laws... Humans are like herds. People follow and copy learned behavior from each other and 95% of people are negative. Which means you will be a negative person and remain negative unless you disassociate, distant yourself from negative people & change your mind set. Most have no awareness of this (hence why only a small amount of people on this planet are truly abundant) and most importantly don’t have any understanding of laws of Nature (Universal laws) to abide by in order to win at the game of life. When we choose to ignore the natural Laws of the Universe, we will experience struggle, resistance, unfulfilled destiny, pain, lack of direction etc. It has always been in the nature of humanity to believe mostly in the things we can see, feel, taste, hear or touch while doubting anything else that is beyond the perception of...