HOW TO STOP ARGUMENTS IN 5 EASY STEPS Arguments generally happen because both parties are trying to express different opinions and think the other person is not listening, so couples shout at each other to be heard. But most of the time the shouting doesn’t do the trick so you get upset, angry and frustrated as well as. Here are a few suggestions that may help 1) PRE-EMPT THE ARGUMENT There are some arguments that couples know are gonna happen. For example: You come home late again after work from another lads night out and you “know” your partner is going to be upset or argue with you. Instead of thinking of what to say to defend yourself in that argument, pre think what your partner will say in the argument. Example for this scenario, she may say “I`m sick of you leaving me with the kids and going out gallivanting all night” Instead of trying to make excuses, think of what you can do to make the situation right. Example say straight away before she speaks “This Saturday you go t...