HOW TO CALM ARGUMENTS Most arguments escalate and never get sorted as when you are in an negative emotional state such as anger, frustration, fear, upset ect, you are on a lower vibrational frequency of which generally maintains throughout a argument as your partner will react to that negative frequency, causing you both to react back and forth negatively. When someone attacks you (argument occurs) your animal instinct reptilian brain defends as a natural defense. This is how arguments start. Once this occurs the argument goes round and around in your brain trying to find answers of which it will not be able to do in that lower vibrational state. So this is why arguments generally never get resolved or sorted as you need to be in a better frequency to understand what the problem/argument is about to then resolve it. As Einstein sates” We cannot solve problems with the same thinking we used to create them”. This is also why even after the argument has finished, the argument rem...