Here`s The EASY GUIDE To More Sex & Fixing Relationship Issues
Here`s The EASY GUIDE To More Sex & Fixing Relationship Issues It’s funny when guys ask me “why are their partners doing this or that?” It`s so cute. Cute because all you have to do is ask her. Lol. Here`s the trick to successfully getting a truthful non aggressive answer. LISTEN to the answer. Most women stop talking or respond angry as when they talk you don`t hear them. Both of you sit down, TV off, mobile off, laptop off and totally focus on your partner and ask her any question lovingly THEN, she will answer. Successful communication in a relationship to a woman is as important as you having sex. Men big time underestimate this and even belittle it as nagging. Men get sexual frustrated and shut down and women get frustrated by non or misunderstood communication and then also shut down. This is not just a guesstimate, this is genetics! Women are born nurturers to communicate and keep the family safe, that’s why it is important to be heard. If you break her trust, lie...