
Showing posts from May, 2018


IS IT LOVE OR LUST? Love is affection, attraction and emotional attachment. Lust is mostly physical attraction & fu*king amazing sex. A lot of guys think they can only have one or the other. So will pick a “pretty average” chick to settle down with, but before settling down will try to have lots of lustful relationships with “hot chicks” But you can have both. You can have love and lust. That sexy ass girl you wish for, generally you think she is out of your reach. Or that you are punching above your weight. So you will place her in a “just sex” category. This is merely YOUR lack of self worth.   Men and women think differently about a hell of a lot of things. Intellectually people know men and women are different but yet as we are all one species of humans we kinda confuse one human thinks the same as the other as we are “all the same” all human so to speak. And the biggest confusion in relationships is that men and women don`t recognise that men and women think ...

Who Else Wants Better Sex?



MY FREE BOOK: By Sophia Charles (Instant Free Download) HOW TO LOVE WHEN YOU DON`T KNOW WHAT LOVE IS (This Book Is The Holy Grail To ALL Relationships) The relationship with yourself, your kids, your friends and family and even with money. You will understand after reading this book the importance that you create your reality and will have clear knowledge and exact know how on how to achieve that goal. This Book holds the key for you to have a complete understanding of how you feel about yourself and about life in general. It reaches deep into your internal being as a person also exploring your subconscious whilst explaining why we do what we do as adults.…/How-to-love-when-you-dont…

Men, Love & Laws of Attraction In Relationships

The Confusion of The Law of Attraction. Does It Work, Don`t It Work? People are now in two minds whether the Law of Attraction really works. The reason why people are actually in two minds is because essentially they are back and forth with two opposing concepts. Your inner being resonates completely with the concept of the Law of Attraction because the concept makes sense. It makes complete sense as the Law of Attraction is real. But the doubt arises as shit aint happen. No manifesting occurs. That does not mean it is not real and doesn’t work. Take Beyonce. She became successful from following her passion which lead to the Law of Attraction giving her abundance. Beyonce did not study Law of Attraction to get famous, she simply followed her bliss. Most people don`t become famous as they genuinely prefer fame and cash first over becoming an actor or singer. Now that is not saying they don’t want to be an actor or singer but you must state your “true” intension foremost and re...

Men Know Your True Worth


In- To- You/ Intuition


Falling In Love


Relationship Quote Image


Sorting Arguments FOR GOOD. Diving Deep Into Arguments

Save Your Relationship

How To Save Your Relationship Click Here To Watch Now

Is She IN TO You?


Are you struggling with a relationship decision?


Does Your Partner Pi*s You off?

Does Your Partner Piss You off? Here`s a list of things that she should do to push your buttons. And the other list is of things that you should piss her off right out the front door! GOOD LIST: Pushes you to achieve more Goes on about how you should have a better job, change career or be self employed Moans when you smoke, drink or are lazy Pushes you to do things out of your comfort zone Wants affection, communication & time together BAD LIST: Puts you down Says you’re not good enough, useless or never will achieve fu*k all in life Couldn’t give a shit when you come home from work or when you’re together Communication is borderline stalking or abusive Demands money on a regular Uses sex and the kids as a weapon She smokes & drinks often and is lazy THE GOOD LIST: Men moan about both lists. But the Good List is a woman wanting the best for you in career and health wise, whilst also pushing you to do more in life so you become more. Men also moan about women a...

Love Is Like A Road....
