IS IT LOVE OR LUST? Love is affection, attraction and emotional attachment. Lust is mostly physical attraction & fu*king amazing sex. A lot of guys think they can only have one or the other. So will pick a “pretty average” chick to settle down with, but before settling down will try to have lots of lustful relationships with “hot chicks” But you can have both. You can have love and lust. That sexy ass girl you wish for, generally you think she is out of your reach. Or that you are punching above your weight. So you will place her in a “just sex” category. This is merely YOUR lack of self worth. Men and women think differently about a hell of a lot of things. Intellectually people know men and women are different but yet as we are all one species of humans we kinda confuse one human thinks the same as the other as we are “all the same” all human so to speak. And the biggest confusion in relationships is that men and women don`t recognise that men and women think ...